Friday, December 15, 2006

Do you know how stress effects your health?

Listen to a discussion about the health impact of stress.

This 31 minute discussion covers:

  • Costs of stress.
  • Causes of stress. How many are in your life?
  • What is the impact of stress on our body?
  • What is the stress response and how does it work?
  • What is chronic stress and how does it affect us?
  • Who is most at risk for stress related health problems?
  • How does stress effect our heart, cortisol levels, memory, and immunity
  • How do men and women react differently to stress?
  • What can we do to lessen the effects of stress on our bodies?
  • How does stress effect weight? How does diet effect stress? What should we eat to help our stressed out bodies?
  • How can a cup of tea help?
  • What other supplements can assist with stress and how do they help?

Additional Information: Read an informative pamphlet on a comprehensive stress relief supplement.

Learn more about stress and find supplements to aid in blunting the effects of stress on our bodies.

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